Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thanks to Our Interim Pastors

I want to take a moment to thank our pastoral interim team: Pastor Ryan Chapman, Pastor Ed Hyatt and Pastor Ron Crump. Each of you did an outstanding job during the 16 month interim period. It's really amazing how God has used each of you and your unique abilities and strengths to assist our staff, lay leadership and church. The last three weeks have been sad ones as we've seen each of our interims preach their last sermon. We dislike seeing each of you go but at the same time we've looked forward to this day for a long time.

I thought today about each of them and how they each had a profound impact on me in one way or another. Pastor Ryan's devout heart and careful contemplation are great examples of spiritual maturity and an excellent example of having a close walk with the Lord. I will never forget Pastor Ed's love and passion for the church. His honesty and fun-loving heart were constant reminders of how pastors should follow Christ's example and love the church. Pastor Ron's humble heart and pastoral care made a deep impression on me. His willingness to share his legacy will forever be appreciated by a young pastor.

Thank you pastors for the many hours you spent investing in Mooresville and me. I know it will have a long standing impact for the kingdom.


Pastor Jeremy

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Time to Celebrate!

As I sit here typing it is 12:19 am on Christmas Eve (technically Christmas morning). I just finished wrapping the presents and Michelle just filled the stockings. We're happy to bless our kids, each other, friends and family with gifts. But a thought keeps going through my mind...He has come...He has come...Jesus has come...the Messiah has come...the Holy One has come...the Savior, Redeemer, Counselor, Healer...HE HAS COME!!

But here's why this thought is consuming me at now 12:24 am on Christmas morning...He came not to conquer (though He did), He came not to rule (though He does), He came not to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom was compelled to come for one reason He had only one agenda, to reconcile you, me and the whole world to it's Himself! And He did it all, because He loved us first! NOT BECAUSE OF ANYTHING WE'VE DONE...WE DIDN'T EARN IT...HE JUST LOVES US!!

Inconceivable. All for love. Wow!

Lord, could I become like You? Could I love others that much? Could I serve You, not because of what You do for me, but simply because

I pray that we all can grow to be like Him! That's worth praying for! Imagine a church that loves like that! Wow! I'm praying for that! Join me!

Merry Christmas! JESUS HAS COME!

Pastor John

Friday, December 19, 2008

First Steps to Changing the World

Here's what has been on my mind for the last week or so. I'd like to hear a brainstorm of thoughts on what the first step might be for a church who wants to change the world! No answers are wrong, no answers are silly, no answers are off limits, if you genuinely have some thoughts on what the first step is then we want to hear it! Leave a comment to this post and everyone can see them.

I have my own thoughts about this, but I'm really excited to hear all of yours! I've always believed what our former State Minister Bob Moss says, "We do better together". So while my thoughts or Jeremy's thoughts are good and helpful, all of our thoughts and ideas together should help us zero in on a decisive first step! So get those creative juices flowing and share them with all of us!

I don't know about all of you, but I'm a little weary of just talking about making an impact in lives and in the world. I want to actually risk DOING IT! And it is a risk. We are in a battle! The enemy of our souls does not want us to succeed. But the God who spoke this universe into existence DOES want us to succeed! And with His help...WE WILL!

So let's hear your hearts about this! I'm looking forward to hearing them!

In His Grip,

Pastor John

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We're debt free!

Whenever I’m in the car driving somewhere on a weekday and it happens to be between noon and 3 in the afternoon I love to turn on my radio and listen to the Dave Ramsey Show. I’ve become a follower of Dave’s great advice and financial counseling. Each time I listen to the show I hear people call in asking for expert advice from Dave’s many years of experience and personal mistakes. Callers ask Dave questions about everything from investments to how to start digging yourself out of enormous debt. The greatest times are usually when someone calls in declaring they’re debt free after working hard on it for a period of time.

These success stories excite me as I too have debts of my own. I look forward to the day when Raegan and I are completely debt free. We’re currently working on a debt snowball. It’s small now but gradually it will become larger and larger. Another reason I like listening to Dave Ramsey is because he’s a Christian and tells everyone the only person they should be in debt to is Jesus Christ. I love Dave’s mottos like, “beans and rice, rice and beans” and “live like no one else so later on you can live like no one else.” These are great things to remember when the world keeps telling you that you deserve everything. Whenever someone asks Dave how he’s doing he always answers, “Better than I deserve.” I’ve listened to Dave so much that often times I know how he’s going to answer a caller’s question. That’s a little scary.

You may already know this but as of last week, Mooresville Church of God is debt free. Go ahead, you may need to go back and reread that last sentence. It’s true. After selling the parsonage the church was able to pay off the mortgage. This is a great position to be in. Not only are we no longer slaves to the lender but now we are free to move forward on God’s preferred path. All of this is happening as Pastor John is coming to be our new pastor. I believe we are primed and ready for the next chapter God is writing in our congregation’s life. These conversations about changing the world all seem even more possible with the absence of debt. If you total up all the money we won’t be spending on interest and the principle any more, you’ll find it’s a lot of cash. All of it can now go toward specific ministries that will aid the efforts of world changers at our church.

I hope you are inspired to dream big about the future especially when Pastor John asks questions about what will be our initial steps at being world changers. I hope you can see that God is setting us up to be a great church that will be a huge threat to Satan. Let’s not settle for being a typical or average church. I also hope this concept of living debt free will also inspire you to payoff your debt. For more information about seeking financial peace go to

Working toward being only in debt to Jesus,

Pastor Jeremy

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Welcome To Our World Lauren Towne!

Congratulations Jeremy & Raegan Towne on the birth of your new little baby girl, Lauren Alyssa Towne (I hope I spelled the name correctly!) Lauren was born early Saturday morning, December 13, 2008! Everyone, mom, baby, brothers and even dad are doing well!

Let's pray for the Towne family as they prepare for their new life with little Lauren!

What a great time of the year to celebrate a new birth! New life has come, and it's possible for everyone to experience it as we celebrate and remember the new life Jesus offers everyday! Take the time to read the post by Jeremy below! You'll really be moved by it considering he posted it just hours before Lauren's birth!

Towne family, we love you, we're praying for you and have a great Christmas with your new little Christmas present!

With Love,

Pastor John

Friday, December 12, 2008

Still Waiting

The top two questions my family keeps hearing are, “How’s Raegan feeling?” and “Are you hoping for a girl or a boy?” It’s really quite comical that we are coming down to the final days of pregnancy and it’s the middle of the advent season. Advents are times of waiting and filled with lots of anticipation. We can’t speed up the clock no matter how eager we are to move forward. Patience is a difficult task because we so desperately want to fast-forward to the preferred destination. Many think waiting periods are simply painful and idle times but this isn’t so. Waiting periods are tremendous opportunities for preparation. Listen to the words of Paul describing the birth of the redeemer…

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” Galatians 4:4-5

Another translation uses the phrase, “When the right time came”. I think this passage says a lot about the timing of God. God has a timeliness about him that I often find myself complaining about. The fact is that God’s timing is perfect and we usually disagree because we fail to see the big picture. I find that too many times I am trying to rush things along not enjoying the journey along the way. Are you like me and anxious about something? Is it possible God uses these advents to stretch us and cause us to move closer to him?

I think that advent times are times for personal growth. Picture Jesus in Gethsemane, the disciples waiting in the upper room for Pentecost and the father waiting for the return of his prodigal son. I’m sure that each of these waiting periods were times of deep spiritual growth. Instead of just biding time, these individuals dwelt in prayer and mental preparation.

I was amazed this week during my son’s case conference. It happened as I took part in the evaluation of my son’s growth over the past 10 months. Each of the goals that were set up in his IEP were met with outstanding success. I am so grateful for the terrific job that the staff at St. Joseph Institute is doing with Harrison. I’m equally as grateful for Johnson County Special Services and for their extreme generosity and superb commitment to my son’s education. These successes haven’t been achieved overnight. It’s taken consistent dedication and a profound persistence by so many people to get Harrison where he is today.

I pray that you will appreciate the times of waiting you find yourself in choosing to look at them as opportunities to better yourself and help others as you grow closer to the Savior celebrating his coming.

Happy Advent & Merry Christmas,

Pastor Jeremy

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holiday Greeting from the Crump Family

We just want to wish everyone at the Mooresville Church of God a Merry Christmas and a wonderful and exciting New Year! We look forward to beginning our ministry with you and will be praying that you all sense God's manifested presence in your life over these next few weeks!

Don't forget to send any significant stories of your experiences in prayer, serving and loving others to Kathy Marine so she can send them on to me. I hope to hear of God doing some amazing things in your lives as you live out these three godly traits!

We are privileged to have the opportunity to serve with you in the coming days! God is going to use this congregation to truly change the world by showing us how we can impact lives all around us! Let's be praying for that and make that our New Years resolution!

With Love,

John, Michelle
Molly, Aaron, Abby (and Max)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Anticipation & Investment

As the New Year approaches I sense a tremendous amount of anticipation is building. There is no doubt this is in regards to what the Holy Spirit has done in bringing us our next lead pastor at Mooresville COG. I too am very excited to see this day finally come and for good reason-Mooresville COG is worth the investment and rich with potential.

Looking back at the past year reminds me of a major decision Raegan and I had to make. Last November we were confronted with the decision to find the most appropriate school for our youngest son. Due to a hearing deficiency he needed a specialized education in which he would learn to improve his communication skills. Unfortunately, this meant that we might have to move out of the current school district. The toughest thing about this dilemma was trying to decide if we should purchase a house not knowing what the future would bring.

We spent a lot of time in prayer before making the decision. Ultimately we decided 3 things. First, Raegan and I committed to seeing the church through transition by staying the course even through the uncertainty. Secondly, we committed to putting our children first. Thirdly, we committed to putting our faith in God believing He would take care of our needs and that He has done.

I’m extremely glad that we did what we did. While there were certainly wiser ways we could have went, it’s reassuring to see God work with our choices and remain faithful. Even through the toughest conflicts God has gotten us through them. I am convinced that now is the time to invest in the kingdom by committing ourselves to the Lord’s work at Mooresville. A scripture verse about the early church comes to mind when I think about this type of commitment.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship,
to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42

Much like our situation, the early church found itself in an exciting period. This verse clearly identifies 4 things they devoted themselves to: the apostles’ teaching (the Word), to the fellowship (one another), to the breaking of bread (communion with God) and to prayer. I believe their devotion played a huge part in enabling them to be as powerful as God made them to be.

What better way for us also to start off a relationship with our new pastor and a hopeful new year but by devoting ourselves to the Word, one another, communing with God and to prayer. I suspect that the last year has been rough on many of you and you may be feeling a little weary and even leery to reinvest in the church. My prayer is that you are already seeing the hope and feeling the urge to devote yourself again. How is God calling you to devote yourself?

Extremely hopeful,

Pastor Jeremy

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Advent of Hope

Advent = A period of expectant waiting

Did you know that is the primary meaning of "Advent"? We've all been in a state of advent then haven't we? We've all waited with expectation that something good would come...something bad would end...something hard would relent...something painful would cease...something promised would come...we've all waited patiently, with expectation, with faith, with hope, with fear, with wonder, with confusion, with frustration...we've all waited like that at some time in our lives, haven't we?

Joseph and Mary certainly could relate to the concept of a period of expectant waiting. Think about the emotions they must have experienced:
Mary's Fear: How can I be carrying the Son of God? What will people say? Will I be killed?
Joseph's Anger: How could Mary be pregnant and I'm not the father? How could God do this to me?
Confusion: How can any of this really be happening? Why me, why us? Why now?
Along with many, many other emotions and feelings that must have kept them wondering, praying, and seeking answers!

In the midst of this roller coaster of emotions think also about the decisions they made:
Mary: "May it be to me as you have said" - Her words to the angel of the Lord
Joseph: I will still take Mary as my wife - I will do what God's asked me to do

Can you relate to this story? Coming against something in life that causes fear, confusion, wonder, anger. Causing you to make some very difficult decisions. How did you respond to God during these times of your life? Did it resemble Joseph and Mary's response? And yet give special attention to the outcome of Joseph and Mary's actions! New Life! Salvation! Joy! Increased Faith! Peace! HOPE!

A couple of young adults hang in, obey God, endure through very trying, difficult times and the result is that GOD CHANGED THE WORLD THROUGH THEM! Did you hear that? GOD CHANGED THE WORLD THROUGH THEM!

Lord, help us to strive toward lives that are recklessly obedient to You even in the confusing, difficult, trying times! Help us to be carriers of new life to people all around us! Help us to love You so much that when You call we simply say, "May it be to me as You have said"!

Thank you for life...thank you for grace...thank you for love...thank you for Jesus! Help us to wait with expectation to what You are about to do in the world through us! AMEN!

In His Grip,

Pastor John

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Ideal Church

One of my favorite questions asked during the Q & A session of the candidating weekend wondered what my ideal church would look like. Here's a brief but powerful description of the kind of church I want to be a part of...

[42] They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. [43] Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. [44] All the believers were together and had everything in common. [45] Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. [46] Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, [47] praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:42-47

Here's the power in what I see in these words: That most of the activity described was how the believers lived life together, served each other, sacrificed for each other, loved each other, and yet look at that last line of verse 47..."And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved". Wow! I know these people were sharing their faith with non-believers, I know they were serving in their community, I know they were doing evangelistic activities, but the power in those words is that the way the believers loved each other so impacted the non-believers who witnessed it, that they couldn't wait to come to know the Jesus these believers knew!

Lord, make us a church like that! Do whatever is necessary in us so that we can love God, love others, love ourselves, but also love each other in such a powerful way that it will draw people who don't know You to that Love...Your Love...You! AMEN!

In His Grip

Pastor John

Foundations for a World Changing Church

Changing the world is ultimately God's work. However, God has created, called and equipped us to work with Him in the effort to reconcile the entire world to Himself! As Henry Blackaby (Experiencing God) has instructed, our job is to ask this question, "God, what are You doing in the world and how can we join You in it?" If we are to join God in His reconciling work we must commit to obeying God by allowing these three foundational elements to be powerfully present in our daily lives:

1. Lead from our knees
This is committing to a life of prayer. Not just verbally offering up platitudes to God, but pursuing God's manifested presence in our life! Striving toward such intimate connection with God that hearing His voice and sensing His desires becomes one of our highest priorities! Consider reading about Daniel, King David, Nehemiah or many other biblical examples of leading first from our knees so that we can then lead from a position of spiritual strength and confidence!

2. Choose to lose
This is choosing to serve instead of expecting to be served. This is living out the words of John the Baptist when he said of Jesus, "he must become greater, I must become less". This is willingly giving up our need to be right, our ego, our pride, our desires, even our hopes and dreams, if it will further the expansion of God's kingdom! Read through the gospels and look at the life of Jesus. His entire life was an example of choosing to lose so that something greater could be accomplished!

3. Live to love
This is making the Great Commandment the centerpiece of our lives! To love God with everything that we are and then to love others and ourselves! Speaker Jared Jones recently said these words, "Your love for others is your love for Jesus gone public"! That's what God wants us to live! He wants us to learn to love Him with all that is within us! Then He wants us to let that love overflow out of us to a world that longs to be loved! Another key part is for Jesus followers to love each other. Jesus clearly said that the world would know that we love Him by how we love each other! It's not cliche to say that Love changes the world, because "God is Love"!

Pray - Serve - Love: These are the foundational elements to being a world changing church! There are many, many other things we can do, be and strive towards, but if we can begin with these three, we will be well on our way to being the agents of reconciliation that God longs for us to be! Let's change the world person at a time!

In His Grip,

Pastor John

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