Monday, March 22, 2010

Beirut, Lebanon Mission Experience

May 2-9, 2010
A 5-person team from Mooresville Church of God will embark on a week-long mission experience in Beirut, Lebanon in early May.  The team consists of:

Pastor John Crump
Maggy Fisher
Rhiannon McKinley
Marlene Crump
Pastor Ron Crump

 The logos to the left represent the two ministries that the team will be working with while in Beirut:  Heart for Lebanon, led by Camille Melki and Cedar Home, led by Chadi Melki.

While working with Heart for Lebanon the team will be distributing food to Iraqi refugee families who were driven out of their homeland due to the war and persecution by Muslim extremists.  The team will also be doing home visits with the Iraqi families to minister to the relational and spiritual needs of the families.  The team will also have opportunity to minister to the Iraqi women during a special worship service designed just for them.

The team will be lodging at the Cedar Home for girls, an orphanage that ministers to the life-long needs of orphaned girls in Lebanon.  While at Cedar Home the team will be leading nightly devotion and game times with the girls as well as doing some assorted projects around the Home.

Both of these ministries are affiliated with the Church of God.  The Melki family has a long history of Church of God ministry in Lebanon.  Camille and Chadi simply carry on a rich heritage of effective ministry to the people of Lebanon.  The leaders and staff of each of these ministries are changing the world through the powerful and mission-focused ministry they do each day!

Would you pray for our team as we travel?  Would you pray for God to use us to encourage the Heart for Lebanon and Cedar Home staff and leaders?  Would you add Heart for Lebanon and Cedar Home to your list of prayer targets?  God is working all around the world and we are privileged to partner with our brothers and sisters in Lebanon to accomplish a small part of the work He has called them to accomplish in their part of the world!

In His Grip,

Pastor John 

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Indiana Ministries Consultation - April 23-25, 2010

Mooresville Church of God is entering an important season of its life and ministry. April 23-25 will be an opportunity for us to examine our ministries, our practices, our habits, our structure, all of those things that define who we are and why we exist as a church.

Every congregation needs some self-examination as well as some accountability.  Indiana Ministries of the Church of God is offering to assist us with both of these productive efforts.  

The MCHOG Board of Directors recently submitted an extensive Self-Study to the Indiana Ministries Consultation team.  They will review it over the next few weeks, come spend the weekend of April 23-25 with us, and then provide feedback, recommendations and insight for our future ministry and mission here in Mooresville.

Here is a synopsis of the steps and timeline for the consultation:

April 23-24:  Consultation team will interview the Pastoral Staff, congregational focus groups and individuals to gain further perspective and information about our ministry, mission and effectiveness.

April 25:  Dr. Doug Talley, our Executive State Minister, will be preaching and sharing the Consultation Team's recommendations with the congregation.

May 9:  Our congregation will hold a Special Business Meeting to vote on the recommendations put forth by the Consultation Team.  If the recommendations are accepted, the Consultation Team will then draft a covenant detailing what Indiana Ministries will provide for MCHOG and what our congregation will do to accomplish the recommendations.

Early June:  Our congregation will hold another Special Business Meeting to vote on acceptance of the covenant with Indiana Ministries.  If the covenant is accepted, our congregation will be assigned a coach who will assist us and provide accountability for us as we accomplish the recommendations over the next few years.

What is the goal of this consultation and why are we doing it?
The mission of Mooresville Church of God is "To Make Disciples".  More specifically, "To make disciples by reconciling people to God and to each other".  The goal of this consultation is to make whatever changes are necessary in order for us to best accomplish this mission in our community!  To fail at our mission is disobedience and is not an option for our congregation.

Churches all across the United States are failing at their God-given mission.  We refuse to be one of them.  We are attempting to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to see that our congregation is outward focused, mission focused and people focused!  We asserted at our recent "Impact Your World Week" that no ministry, program, practice or habit in the life and ministry of our church is untouchable, unchangeable or sacred.  What's working we hope to make better.  What's not working will be replaced with mission-focused practices that do work.

We are in desperate need of your prayer, participation, patience and support throughout this process!  Will you commit to make this consultation, our congregation and the eventual outcomes a matter of daily prayer?  Mooresville Church of God's effectiveness, future and ministry depend on it!

Thank you for your efforts to see God's mission and purpose accomplished in the Mooresville community through this congregation!

In His Grip,

Pastor John

Friday, March 12, 2010

Mandie Marine's Blog!

Hey, just wanted you all to be aware of the great blog that Mandie Marine is updating during her mission work in San Francisco!  Here's a link to it...

Please continue to pray for Mandie!  Pray for safety, pray for strength and courage as she ministers to youth and adults!  Pray that God would use her to expand His Kingdom while she's in California!

In His Grip,

Pastor John

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