Monday, October 20, 2014

November Teaching Series!

Give Up
New Teaching Series Beginning November 2, 2014

Give up? Really?

That doesn't sound like something a church should be teaching about, does it? Just giving up?


Give Up represents several key questions that followers of Jesus must ask themselves from time to time:

1) Is there anything in my life I need to GIVE UP in order to GIVE TO the things that matter to God?

2) Am I willing to GIVE UP to God rather than HAND OUT my money, time and abilities to things that may not make an eternal difference?

3) Am I willing to GIVE UP or SURRENDER all that I have and all that I am so that God's will is done through me?

Here is the series at a glance:
Week 1 - The Give Up Concept
Week 2 - Give Up = Sacrifice
Week 3 - Give Up = Surrender
Week 4 - Give Up = Selfless

In Luke 14:33 Jesus says, "In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple."

Jesus is asking His followers to GIVE UP. Let's say yes.

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