Sundays in February - 9am & 11am
In this series of messages we hope to shed some light on basic Biblical truths about these challenging areas of life. The questions about dating, sex and marriage are endless...
Should I date? If so, how should I go about it? How intimate should I get with the person I'm dating? Is it OK to remain single? How do I know when I've found "The One"?
Is sex good? Is sex bad? Why is our culture so obsessed with it? Can I have sex before I get married? Should I feel guilty if I already have? I'm married, why doesn't my spouse want sex?
Who created marriage? Why is it such a big deal to some people? What about gay marriage? Can I get a divorce and still be a Christian? Will marriage bring me the happiness I seek?
Join us as we share some uncensored thoughts about dating, sex and marriage.