Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We're debt free!

Whenever I’m in the car driving somewhere on a weekday and it happens to be between noon and 3 in the afternoon I love to turn on my radio and listen to the Dave Ramsey Show. I’ve become a follower of Dave’s great advice and financial counseling. Each time I listen to the show I hear people call in asking for expert advice from Dave’s many years of experience and personal mistakes. Callers ask Dave questions about everything from investments to how to start digging yourself out of enormous debt. The greatest times are usually when someone calls in declaring they’re debt free after working hard on it for a period of time.

These success stories excite me as I too have debts of my own. I look forward to the day when Raegan and I are completely debt free. We’re currently working on a debt snowball. It’s small now but gradually it will become larger and larger. Another reason I like listening to Dave Ramsey is because he’s a Christian and tells everyone the only person they should be in debt to is Jesus Christ. I love Dave’s mottos like, “beans and rice, rice and beans” and “live like no one else so later on you can live like no one else.” These are great things to remember when the world keeps telling you that you deserve everything. Whenever someone asks Dave how he’s doing he always answers, “Better than I deserve.” I’ve listened to Dave so much that often times I know how he’s going to answer a caller’s question. That’s a little scary.

You may already know this but as of last week, Mooresville Church of God is debt free. Go ahead, you may need to go back and reread that last sentence. It’s true. After selling the parsonage the church was able to pay off the mortgage. This is a great position to be in. Not only are we no longer slaves to the lender but now we are free to move forward on God’s preferred path. All of this is happening as Pastor John is coming to be our new pastor. I believe we are primed and ready for the next chapter God is writing in our congregation’s life. These conversations about changing the world all seem even more possible with the absence of debt. If you total up all the money we won’t be spending on interest and the principle any more, you’ll find it’s a lot of cash. All of it can now go toward specific ministries that will aid the efforts of world changers at our church.

I hope you are inspired to dream big about the future especially when Pastor John asks questions about what will be our initial steps at being world changers. I hope you can see that God is setting us up to be a great church that will be a huge threat to Satan. Let’s not settle for being a typical or average church. I also hope this concept of living debt free will also inspire you to payoff your debt. For more information about seeking financial peace go to

Working toward being only in debt to Jesus,

Pastor Jeremy


Unknown said...

Hey Jeremy, Michelle and I are working our way to only being in debt to Jesus too! Thanks for your great perspective and thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Matt and I like Dave Ramsey, too. Matt started listening to him about a year ago and kept coming home telling me, "Dave said this, Dave said that." At first, I thought he was crazy. Then, I started listening to him as well, and I thought, "This sounds great!"

We are also trying to work off debt but honestly have not been too successful thus far. But, we will just keep trying!

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