Monday, February 2, 2009

GCF Retreat Report & Thanks!

I want to report that God did some amazing things during the good clean fun retreat this past weekend. The presence of the Holy Spirit was evident as teenagers studied 2 Timothy 2:22. Friday night Jason Webb from Life Pointe Community encouraged students to flee their evil desires and pursue God. Saturday morning Kim Schuessler of Meridian COG and Martin Burns of Avon Parkside Church of the Nazarene divided students into different gender groups and talked specifically about how to pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace in practical ways. Martin Burns spoke Saturday night about making wise choices and Angela Sagesse of Avon Community COG sent us out on Sunday challenging students to pursue God along with others who are doing so out of a pure heart through accountability partners. I was given the awesome privilege of leading an amazing student worship band. God spoke to our hearts and there was no denying the call to live life for Jesus. Reports are still coming in on how students responded to the messages.

I want to thank all the youth pastors who took a chance with this event and agreed to partner with us. Thank you to Debbie Brydges, Terry Carr, Jenny Carr, Coy Schrougham & Vanessa True for their excellent leadership and for a superb job at investing in the lives of our teenagers. I want to thank our college-age students who also gave their time and money to this event: Karen Brydges, Nick Perry, Andrea True & Ashley True. Your outstanding work with the worship blessed the worship services and ultimately the entire weekend. Pastor John did a terrific job with helping pull things together at the last minute. I'm truly grateful for his tremendous support for this event. Thanks to my brother, Tim Towne who made the Good Clean Fun character. Thank you to Central Indiana Campground for allowing us the use of their sound equipment. Last but not least, I want to thank Justin McKinley for his quality multimedia videos & presentations that truly enhanced the weekend.

My prayer is that students will never forget Paul's charge to Timothy and to us, and in so doing, choosing to flee the evil desires of youth choosing to pursue the attributes of God.

Very Moved,

Pastor Jeremy

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