Friday, March 6, 2009

Voices of Lent Begins this Sunday!

This week we begin our journey toward Easter and the celebration of new life that comes with Jesus' resurrection and victory over death! We hope you are planning to invite your friends, neighbors, family and co-workers to join us during this important and potentially life-changing season!

We will be looking into the lives and hearing the voices of a number of people who either encountered Jesus or contributed to the story leading to His eventual crucifixion and resurrection. Each Sunday there will be a monologue drama that will accompany the message. Here is the series of messages we will be bringing throughout the season of Lent:

March 8 - The Woman at the Well
March 15 - Simon Peter (Pastor Jeremy preaching)
March 22 - Nicodemus
March 29 - The Rich Young Ruler
April 5 - The Servant Girl who Identified Peter
April 12 - Jesus

We hope to pack the sanctuary on Easter Sunday! Let's commit now to getting people here who may need a powerful encounter with the risen, victorious Jesus!

In His Grip,

Pastor John

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