OK, so here's a quick review from weeks 1-3 of our series "Just Walk Across the Room":
God has called us to reach people who are far from Him. That task is exciting and challenging, but it's not always easy! So here's some steps we can take to (with the help of the Holy Spirit) be productive and successful in carrying out God's mission of reconciling EVERYONE to Him!
1. Enter the "Zone of the Unknown" - This is being willing to walk across that room, even when it's a bit scary or uncomfortable, and reach out to people who need connection with God (and may need connection with YOU).
2. Follow the Promptings of the Holy Spirit - This is simply keeping a prayer connection to God so that as you walk across that room and connect with people who are far from Him, you'll be able to discern what He wants you to say and do!
3. Just Walk!! - OK, no more talking about it...this is actually DOING it! Walking across that room, confident in the leading of God's Holy Spirit and prepared to connect with whomever God has led you to!
4. Develop a Friendship - An old saying goes, "People won't care how much you know until they know how much you care". Do just spitting out the "4 Spiritual Laws" or leading them down the "Roman Road" may not be enough! They will need to see you cultivating a friendship with them first! They want to know they aren't a notch on your evangelistic belt! They are dearly loved by God. They want to know they are dearly loved by you too!
5. Discover their Story - This is simply becoming an expert listener. They will want to tell you their story eventually. You can hear the obstacles, questions, pain and hurdles they may face in coming to know the God that you love! It will take time in building the friendship, but hearing a person's story is a privilege!
6. Discern Next Steps - Once you have begun a friendship and begun to hear their story, you must stay connected to God and use wise discernment in your next steps of helping them draw near to the God who loves them, wants to save them and desires a personal relationship with them!
7. Tell them God's Story - As you discern your next steps the time will come when it's time to tell them God's love story with humanity! You get to tell them the John 3:16 perspective! That God loved them (and us!) so much that He sent His ONLY SON to die in our place! How they
receive it and respond is not up to you...your job is simply to tell the Good News of Jesus!
8. Tell them Your Story - After they hear all the wonderful things about God they will likely want to know, "What difference has it made in YOUR life?" That's a question you need to be prepared to answer! So consider what your life was like BEFORE you knew Jesus Christ - How you came to know Him personally - And what your life has been like since! That's a simple but effective framework for telling your story!
As you consider all of the above steps here's a good clarifying question to answer:
What kind of vision for your life are you living? Is it a small, easily manageable, safe vision that requires little or know reliance on God? Or is it a large, sometimes risky, GRANDER vision that may cost you something, but will be exciting, fulfilling and God honoring?
If we are to live the "Grander Vision" of God we must build a foundation for that vision based on these steps:
1. The Priority is People - Luke 5:1-11
Jesus modeled this over and over in the Bible! He made the masses of people a priority and He made the few who followed him daily a priority! He spent time with people, listened to people, healed people, taught people, mentored people, confronted people, rebuked people. His priority
was always PEOPLE! In the above Luke passage we see him teaching the masses as well as teaching and calling Peter, Andrew, James and John! He made them push out into deep water to catch the fish! The deep water isn't the safe place, but it's evidently where the fish are! So we too must push out into the less safe places of life so that we can reach those people God is calling us to influence for His sake!
2. The Focus is Their Potential - Luke 5:27-32
Author and speaker Max
Lucado once said, "God loves you just the way you are but He doesn't want to leave you that way...He wants you to be just like Jesus"! Through God's eyes we all have almost limitless potential! We MUST begin to see ourselves and other people through God's eyes! In the above Luke passage Jesus sees the potential in Matthew (also called Levi). First is his potential as a follower of Jesus. But also Jesus saw Matthew's potential to reach people who were far from God! And what's the first thing Matthew does? He throws a party! A party where all of his cheating and sinful tax collector friends would hang out with Jesus and all of the disciples! GENIUS! We must see our own potential as well as the potential in those people God calls us to reach!
3. The Starting Point is Prayer -
Collossians 4:2-6
So after 4 weeks of preaching and processes, where do we start on this business of walking across rooms, yards, offices, family rooms and bedrooms to reach people who are far from God? Well we start at a very familiar place...PRAYER. We must commit ourselves to pray earnestly, without ceasing and with passion and endurance for the people God has called us to reach! In the above
Collossians passage Paul is asking his readers to pray for him and for all of the disciples as they carry out the mission God had given them to reach the entire WORLD for His sake! In fact he starts out the passage by saying, "devote yourselves to prayer..."! Be devoted to it! So what are you waiting for? Start praying for that person right now!
Well, there it is...a good challenge...a dynamic calling...a way of life for Christ followers! Walking, running, calling, emailing,
texting, driving, flying...WHATEVER IT TAKES to reach the people God has called us to reach with His love, grace and saving power! So don't wait any longer...
...just walk across the room...and let's see what our God can do through US!
In His Grip,
Pastor John