Friday, August 21, 2009

Are You A Leader?

Beginning this Sunday, August 23rd, we will spend two weeks examining the topic of leadership from two perspectives:

Aug. 23 - Pastor John will speak about leadership from a pastors perspective. Answering a couple of important questions: "What is the call of Jesus to pastors?" and "How should a pastor lead among the people he is called to serve?" These are key moments for our congregation as we continue to develop the relationship between pastor and congregation. This will help us understand what the pastoral staff is called to do as leaders as well as help us define what lay-leaders within the church are called to do as leaders.

Aug. 30 - Scott McDonald will be speaking to us about leadership from a lay-leader's perspective. Scott is a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ. He served in executive positions at Fed Ex / Kinkos for 12 years before taking a Managing Director role with Oakwood Worldwide. Scott, his wife Leisa and their two daughters, Emily and Abby, live in Carmel, Indiana where they attend Northview Christian Life, a thriving congregation of approximately 3000 people. Scott began to sense the call of God to use his own leadership gifts to serve the church as well as expand God's kingdom. Scott became an Associate Trainer with Equip (Dr. John Maxwell's ministry to train and mentor leaders within God's church all over the world). Scott travels to Panama and soon to Guyana to do leadership development with pastors and church leaders in those developing countries. In addition Scott heads up the leadership development ministry of his church. He has served a variety of lay-leader roles in the church. He is passionate about helping pastors lead effectively, and helping lay-leaders lead effectively!

In addition to Scott's Sunday morning message he will return Sunday afternoon at 2:30 and offer a "Leadership 101" course for any persons in the congregation that would like to explore their potential as a leader! You will not want to miss this opportunity to begin exploring how God can use YOU as a leader in His church! We hope everyone will plan to be a part of this excellent leadership training opportunity!

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