Beginning January 8th...a very important series of messages for Mooresville Church of God and our future...
We are asking all of those who consider themselves a part of the MCOG congregation to be in attendance on January 8th and throughout this series.
The call of Jesus is clear...the question, as always, for all of us is...will we hear and follow?
To do anything else is to deny Jesus, His call, His commands and His teaching.
His Way is RADICAL. This isn't just a cool way to think about it. When you break down His teaching and His call to His Church, it is most definitely a RADICAL way to live!
Please be in prayer for Pastor John as he prepares this series of messages. Be in prayer for our congregation that they would have ears to hear and then be not just hearers, but doers of God's Word. Be in prayer for our community, that the resulting mission and vision that God gives will begin to change lives throughout Mooresville and the greater Indianapolis area!