Monday, January 17, 2011

Do Something!

Impact Your World!

We hope you can join us for a new Sunday morning preaching series that begins on January 30th entitled...simply...DO SOMETHING!

We've spent the month of January exploring God's mission and vision for our congregation and for His Church.  Now we want to do something about it! 

Each week we will look at a key aspect of our ability to impact our world!  In addition we will be hearing from representatives from local ministries and organizations who are doing something to positively impact our community and our world!  We will also hear from people in the MCOG congregation who are doing something to impact their world!  Below is the series schedule and guests:

January 30 - Topic: Advance Work - Guest: Churches in Mission
February 6 - Topic: Obedience - Guest: Desert Rose Battered Women's Shelter
February 13 - Topic: The Role of Pain - Guest: Crisis Pregnancy Center
February 20 - Topic: The Power to "DO" - Guest: Brad Lindsay, Superintendent of Mooresville Schools
Febrary 27 - Topic: Don't Quit - Guest: Derek & Laura Abner / Dat House
March 6 - Topic: Did Something Celebration - Guests: Camille Melki / Heart for Lebanon

Febrary 27 will begin our 2nd Annual Impact Your World Week!  We will be focusing throughout that week on "Doing Something" in our local community, in our state & nation and in our world!  Here is our schedule for the week:

Tuesday, March 1 - "Do Something" in our community!  We encourage everyone to serve a local ministry or organization on this day of service!

Wednesday, March 2 - We will have our monthly prayer gathering and it will be focused on our state and national ministries of the Church of God! 

Thursday, March 3 - We will gather at Mooresville Church of God to pray, put together some care packages and write some notes of encouragement to our international ministry partners in Lebanon, Peru and other locations around the world.  There will also be interest meetings for mission trip opportunities in 2011!

Join us and see what God will do as we "DO SOMETHING"!

1 comment:

yui said...

I always enjoy visitig here.

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