Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Holy Week Services

Great Big Egg Hunt & Pancake Breakfast
Join us THIS Saturday, April 4th at 9:00 am for our pancake breakfast! Then at 11:00 am we'll send the kids on the GREAT BIG EGG HUNT!

Palm Sunday
Join us THIS Sunday, April 5th at 10:30 am for a celebration of Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem and His steps toward the cross and the empty tomb! There MAY even be an actual donkey involved...ooooo...come find out!

Maundy Thursday Sedar Meal & Footwashing Service

Join us on Thursday, April 9th at 6:30 pm for a traditional Sedar Meal. Raegan Towne will share a portrayal of the woman who washed Jesus' feet with her tears and then we will follow the example of Jesus by participating in a time of footwashing. We hope you will join us as we set our sights on the cross and begin our final journey toward Easter Sunday!

Good Friday Service

Join us Friday, April 10th at 7:00 pm for an opportunity to prepare your hearts for Easter by experiencing the weight of the cross. You will have an opportunity to walk the path of all the "Voices of Lent" that we've heard and find yourself directed toward the resurrected Lord!

Easter Sunday Celebration

Join us as we hear from the final and most powerful voice of this season of Lent: The voice of the risen and victorious Jesus! Join us at 10:30 am as we celebrate the new life we have through Christ Jesus our Lord! Invite your neighbors, family, co-workers, strangers, enemies, EVERYONE!

This is such an important time for the Church of Jesus Christ! A time to remember and celebrate all that our God was willing to do so that WE could be reconciled to Him! Join us!

In His Grip,

Pastor John

1 comment:

Justin said...

Will there be an actual donkey? Inquiring minds want to know!

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